of your
We start our virtual tour at the War Memorial, outside the Castle, of which more later.
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Before we set off, perhaps we ought to say a little bit about our early Romano-British history, so that you can fit in the places and buildings that we'll see with the events that produced them.
Colchester has a unique claim to be the oldest recorded town in Britain. This comes from the year AD 79 when a certain Roman, one Pliny the Elder, wrote a letter to his nephew, one Pliny the Younger, in that year, remarking on the 'aurora borealis' having been seen in in Anglesey, some 200 miles from Camulodunum. Of course, the British people had been here long before that and their coins had our name written on them, but Pliny had actually recorded us as a town (or colonia as it was then known to him). Prior to that, the Emperor Claudius had taken the surrender of the British here in Colchester in AD 43 and founded Britain's first city.
2000 years ago, the town's centre, where we are now, was an uninhabited hilltop, overlooking what was known to the indigenous British people as Camulodunom - which translated to the modern day as 'fortress of the war god Camulos.' In fact, it was the Camelot of King Arthur, but we don't tend to talk about that, for fear of upsetting people who think they know otherwise.
In the century before Christ's birth the low-lying land around us, was the major settlement area of those people of the ancient British tribe, the Trinovantes, who were then ruled by, or closely associated with, a neighbouring tribe known as the Cattuvellauni. (Historians now prefer to talk of the Late Iron Age and the Belgic belgae tribe - or perhaps, celtic people.) Here ruled (King) Cunobelin, whom the Romans called the king of the Britons, and Shakespeare called Cymbeline, and who just may be the basis for Old King Coel, that jolly nursery rhyme monarch whose name has long been attached to Colchester.
A map showing some of the British tribes.
Having subdued the British in AD 43, when the Emperor Claudius himself is said to have ridden in atop an elephant, they built here their first capital in Britain, a colonia, from where they could keep a watchful eye on the local people, and from where they could begin their conquest of the rest of Britain. In a very short time, London became the Roman capital of Britannia and Colchester settled down to be a place of tranquility and leisure.
However, a few years later, in AD 60 or 61, the colonia was virtually destroyed by an army commanded by Queen Boadicea (Boudicca) of the Iceni tribe, from the area around modern day Norfolk. So the story goes, following the death of her husband Prasutagus, she and her family had been treated badly by the Romans, which so enraged her that she gathered an army from several British tribes and went on to do untold damage to the Roman occupiers and their allies.
A fanciful depiction of Queen Boadicea (above) and the destruction of the Temple of Claudius from a painting by Pete Froste (below).
The arrow on the picture of the Roman colonia below, indicates where we are standing now, the site of our present day 20th century war memorial, and from where we are commencing, this, our tour.
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We now move north through the splendid gates provided by the late Viscount Cowdray, whose family owned the castle that you see ahead of you and who lost two sons in that terrible war. Viscount Cowdray's gift of the castle to the borough was part of his memorial to the two sons that he lost and those men of Colchester who died in the First World War.
More information about the memorial may be found in our Colchester Heroes part of the Camulos site.
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Before we start talking about the castle, we look to the right at Hollytrees, where Charles Gray once lived. He had been left the castle as part of a wedding gift and he set about making it, and the grounds, a place of beauty and use. It is now part of Colchester's museum sites.
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If you look up at its walls, there are several points worthy of mention.
Firstly, the Normans soon discovered that Essex is devoid of any natural building stone. The Romans had found the same thing some 1000 years earlier and had used a material called septaria which was mined locally, with some having to be brought from the coast. Natural red earth (boulder clay) was in abundance and from which they made their tiles. The lime for the mortar would probably have come from Kent, or perhaps Norfolk, where chalk deposits were. The Romans would have brought-in particular stone for certain important buildings, from wherever they found it, some perhaps from the continent. It could be concluded that the Normans very efficiently destroyed any carved or engraved stonework that the Romans had created, as so very little has been discovered in recent times.
The castle is built almost entirely from reclaimed Roman materials; Roman roof tiles being in abundance and heavily used in the walls. The large windows on the south wall are not original. They were put in by Charles Gray in the 18th century, to give more light, replacing the smaller Norman slit windows that would have been there and which can be seen elsewhere on the building.
A previous owner of the castle was a man named Wheely, who had bought the building in 1683, for the sole purpose of demolishing it and selling off the materials for building works. Thankfully, the task defeated him and he went bankrupt as a result. Perhaps the only good thing that came out of Wheely's destructive activities was the discovery of the castle's biggest secret. Underneath its walls, was found what has subsequently been identified as the plinth on which the Temple of Claudius was built in the 1st century AD - but I will leave that bit of our story for you to find on our Colchester Castle page.
It is believed, the height of the castle as you see it today is about what it was when it was first built, although the corner battlements have mostly disappeared, probably easy work for Wheely's men to destroy. Incidentally, our castle predates, and is built double scale to, the famous Tower of London. That building has fared better with the passing of time and is a good indicator of how our castle must once have looked.
Again, lingering at the walls, it is quite clear that the castle was built in more than one stage. An extra storey was added at some point, evidenced by filled in battlements in various places and different style of corner stone work (quoins). The roof gives an impression of an Italian style and is not original. Charles Gray had believed his castle to be Roman and so saw fit to put a Roman style roof on it.
Following on around the west side of the castle and looking up again to the walls, there can be seen a sycamore tree growing on the ramparts, said to have been planted by the gaoler's daughter, some 200 hundred years ago. The castle served as the town's gaol (jail) for many years. Also, the west wall is basically as it was when the castle was first built, with its tiny slit windows, which gave light internally and kept the worst draughts away. Also in this wall are various outfalls from the garderobes, the toilets! The round cupola on the top was built by Charles Gray and is in the position where one of the castle towers would have stood. It seems likely that Mr Wheely demolished these towers prior to Charles Gray's rescue.
Colchester High Street still follows the line of where the Romans put it, although it bows out to the south, probably to accommodate the Norman period bailey wall of the castle. A good deal of the 2800 metre long Roman wall (the only one around a town that still survives) can be seen today. Since Roman times, most events in Britain's long history have left their mark on the town.
For more detailed information about the castle, inside and out, please visit our Colchester Castle web page.
So, let's take a walk around our award winning Castle Park, starting at the water garden.
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A FOLLY - NOT ROMAN OR NORMAN (taken September 2016)
One of our flower beds, this one commemorating 100 years of the Cubs. (taken September 2016)
The Castle Park's gardeners do a wonderful job in creating these displays.
Walking round to the rear of the castle, we find an obelisk dedicated to the two soldiers martyred by the Civil War, when Colchester was under siege by Lord Fairfax, one of Oliver Cromwell's generals, in 1648.
The town underwent much hardship during the siege which lasted all through the hot summer and, upon surrender by the Royalist army, Lords Lucas and Lisle were executed by firing squad on or near this spot. It is said that grass has never grown there since, although the tarmacadam surface may have had something to do with that.
Colchester recovered, the King was restored to the throne, Cromwell was dug up and his remains put on display, many who had signed the king's death warrant (not Lord Fairfax - an interesting story there!) were executed, and the monarchy has been jealously protected ever since.
God Save the Queen!
Climbing up the hill, which were once part of the Norman outer defences to the castle, we have a magnificent view to the north and down into what we call the Lower Castle Park. The gardens directly below are the Avignon gardens, in recognition of the French town by that name, with which Colchester is twinned. We are also twinned with Wetzlar in Germany, with the associated gardens close to Hollytrees, where we have just been.
A view from the Castle Bailey looking west.. (taken September 2016)
Several views from the Castle Bailey wall, of our Avignon Gardens, named after one of our twin towns. (taken September 2016)
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KOREA 1950 - 1953
MALAYA BORNEO 1948 - 1966
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We will now pass through a gate on the west side and out of the Castle Park.
We now pass through a small gate to the west of the castle and through into Maidenburgh Street. Once through the alley way, to the left, is St Helena's Chapel. Note how the Roman building method from the town wall has been mimicked by the Normans in the chapel's walls, with regular courses of Roman tile and septaria courses being used for the walls - some 800 years later.
Records mention the chapel's repair in 1097, but we are unsure exactly how old it is. It stood unused as a chapel for many years, but, in the 2000s, become used once again as a place of worship. It became the home of the Greek Orthodox Parish of St Helen. It started life as a chantry chapel in medieval times - King Henry VIII's reformation closing it in the 16th century. A chantry chapel, where priests were paid a sum after a person's death, to say prayers for that person, to help him on his way to heaven. lt was later taken over by the Quakers. Note the traffic bollards close by with the town's crest on them.
St Helena is Colchester's patron saint, said to have been the daughter of King Coel, married to the Roman Emperor Constantius and mother of the Emperor Constantine who, in 333AD declared that the Roman Empire would become Christian. She was further said to have travelled to the Holy Land, to have discovered a fragment of the cross of Jesus and to have discovered the burial places of the three wise men. Apparently, when she returned to Britain with the relics, the cross fragment started to sprout into life. This is why our crest shows a sprouting cross and three crowns. (Incidentally, we have the same crest as Nottingham.)
Archaeological excavations in the 1980s discovered that St Helena's Chapel is built on the Roman foundations of the colonia's theatre (no good Roman colonia or town would be without one), the outline of which is now picked out in darker bricks along the roadway (not that is very clear now).
The pictures shows the information board outside the building where part of the foundations are displayed and inside, where the picture describes how the 3000 person capacity theatre would once have been. The amazing fact is that there are only five known Roman period theatres in Britain - and Colchester has two of them.
We should point out that Colchester was a place where great entertainments were held. London (Londinium) may well have taken over as the Roman capital at a later date, but Colchester was undoubtedly the most magnificent of all Roman settlements in Britain. In 2005 archaeologists identified the only known Roman circus to be found in Britain, one of the largest outside of Italy and one of only two north of the Alps. OK, we still have not definitively found the baths (or have we?) that must have been here, nor an amphitheatre (why would one have existed in the peacefull colonia?) where gladiatorial combats would have been held, but this is only a matter of time, surely? This theatre would have been used for entertainment of various sorts, plays, poetry, reading, debates, socialising, etc. This was a town where the Romans and their friends could relax and enjoy themselves.
Indeed, Roman Camulodunum must have been a place of peace, leisure and entertainment for its inhabitants.
Walking back to the chapel and turning left along William's Walk, we pass what once was the town's Quaker burial ground, now given over to grass, but with some gravestones set against the perimeter walls.
Colchester, like so many other towns, had (and still has) a strong non-conformist following (ie non Church of England protestantism).
At the end of the street, we find ourselves in an area of 16th and 17th century timber framed buildings, an area known today as the Dutch Quarter. This is slightly misleading as it was in this area that the Flemish settlers lived, evading religious persecution in their own country. They were heavily involved in the wool trade and weaving industry, something that was very important in Colchester for several centuries, before the industrial revolution of the 18th century reduced it to a trickle. Note how several of the houses have large ground level windows, designed so that the weaver could get maximum light whilst working at his loom.
It was in this general area that John Ball, the famous anarchist who lead the 14th century Peasant's Revolt lived, and his compatriot Wat Tyler. The revolt was against the rich who controlled the wages paid to the peasants, the latter believing themselves to be worth much more. So what has changed?
...or was it the Pedant's Revolt?
As we walk on, we find Stockwell Chapel, where Isaac Taylor once lived and preached, before fleeing with his family to escape the expected invasion by Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 19th century. More about the Taylor family later. This area of Colchester had several non-conformist (not allied to the established Anglican church) chapels. Their congregation were known as dissenters by the Anglicans and they were persecuted (as were the catholics) for many decades, nationally.
This is further evidence of the non-conformists in the area, where philanthropic activity also created schools for the children of the area.
Across the road from the chapel is a building that was once our Bluecoat School. A Bluecoat school was a type of charity school, the first of which was founded in the 16th century, named as such because of the distinctive blue uniform originally worn by the pupils. The colour blue was traditionally the colour of charity, and was a common colour for clothing at the time. The uniform included a blue frock coat, and yellow stockings with white bands.
Bluecoat School, now in private use.
These two statues now reside in the Town Hall and are understood to have come from the Bluecoat school in Colchester.
The name Stockwell is a reference to the place where people on this side of the town came for water, as Colchester is built on a free draining hill, with impervious clays at its foot. This was where the water settled and the level to which wells had to reach, including the deepest of them all - inside the castle. This is further evidenced by the fact that Colchester's several (now sadly all gone) breweries were located in divers directions at the foot of this hill.
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