1 - 400

High Street looking west

postally unused but probably c1905.

2 -

High Street looking west giving a view of the wonderful St Nicholas Church in the High Street, later demolished.


postally unused

3 - 584

High Street looking east


postally unused

4 -

High Street looking west


postmarked Nov 1916, Mrs S Pearce, Bideford

5 -

High Street looking east

Poysers Series

postmarked Sep 1906, Mrs Maudsley, Twyford

6 - 450

High Street looking east

50684 JV

undated but probably c1905, sent to Denmark

7 - 420

High Street looking east


postally unused

8 - 1735

High Street looking east with St Nicholas Church and All Saints Church beyond

Friths Series

postmarked Sep 1903, Mrs Morgan, London

9 - 420

High Street looking west

postally unused

10 - 405

High Street view from Jumbo


postally unused

11 - 565

With another view of St Nicholas Church in the High Street

12 - 150

From a photo by Gill

posted May 1920, Miss Gladys Hopwood, Eltham, from 25 Crowhurst Road, Colchester

13 - 420

With another view of St Nicholas Church in the High Street.

14 - 325

posted Dec 1903, Mrs Tyrell, Bournemoth

Frith's Series

15 -

220483.JV Valentines


16 - 345

Postally Unused

17 - 380

1060 10 8091 S

Dated Jan 1911, To Miss Cole of Wisbech, from Lizzie

18 - 1378

A View from Jumbo

postally unused - note the tram


The Wyndham Series W7148. Sent to Miss M Reeves of The Ship Inn, Worplesdon in October 1917

20 - 460

21500 Postally unused

(20a -

a second version of this card was sent on 23rd August 1946 to Mrs Payne of Hamworthy)

see also A446

21 - 585

V310-3 Dated May 1907, To Miss Ash in Leamington from Becks

22 - 145

Postmarked Sep 1958, to Miss Gladwell, Guildford, from Win and John

23 - 350

High Street in the 1950's, postally unused, National Series

24 - 210

High Street in the 1960's, postally unused, Harvey Barton, showing Woolworths in the High Street before it burned down.

25 - 169

Posted September 1914 to mr Stoneman, Colebrooke, Devon


26 - 260

Unused, printed by F W Pawsey and Son, Ipswich


posted July 1942 to Miss Sybil West of Greenford

With another view of St Nicholas Church in the High Street.


D F and Co, York. posted October 1903 to Miss Jones of Putney

29 -

220482 JV, No 17

Postally unused, Valentines series, 1920's?

30 - 577

220462 JV, No 3

Posted 19 July 1938 from Phyllis to Miss Hannah Platt of Shoreham by Sea.

31 - 499

8177 21 Postally unused. Looking east.

With another view of St Nicholas Church in the High Street.

32 - 380

A postcard of superb photographic clarity, posted in July 1934, it shows the Red Lion Hotel (Trust House), J Sainsburys, Kendall and Sons with the Red Umbrella sign, Lawrences outfitters, market stalls and St Nicholas church spire. Sent to Mr and Mrs (Annie) G Gardner of Gateshead by an unnamed person of 1 Essex Hall Road, Colchester.

33 -

Postally unused. Tram in view. W and K No 4

34 - 310

Posted Sep 1904 to Miss Ada Smith of Ipswich.

35 - 399

Photochrom V2299, posted 4 Oct 1956 to Mrs C R Watts of Bexhill on Sea.

36 - 338

Unused 1950's card. M and L National Series


Unused 1950's card. M and L National Series.

With another view of St Nicholas Church in the High Street.

38 - 942

This is a Valentines Series card, unfranked or stamped but sent to Miss F E Hudson of Whalley Range, Manchester by Nell.

40 - 828

Unused card, Valentines, All Saints Church on left, tram centre, building on right was demolished when war memorial was built.

41 -

Another 1950s view of the High Street. Unused card, Photocrom Co Ltd 74099

42 -

21437, unused

43 - 475

The British Mirror Series 24/17 257. Posted to Miss A Boyes of Hawick, Scotland in July 1905.

Without a doubt, the most attractive (if not beautiful) church in Colchester was St Nicholas Church in the High Street. It was a grand Gothic revival building, designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott, but declared redundant by the church commissioners and demolished in 1956.

We didn't learn from this either. The powers that be have since gone on to destroy many more of our heritage buildings since then. May history judge them! Go here for details.

44 - 335

Another view of St Nicholas Church.

45 - 191

Unused, Valentines Series, G6833, c1930

46 - 191

Unused, Valentines Series, 220483, c1930

47 - 235

Exclusive Grano Series, , The Photocrom Co, posted to Mrs Carter of Woodford Green in July 1931 by Phyllis Crane

48 - 194

published by Valentines, 67343, posted 1913 to Mrs C Osborn of Grays, Essex

49 -

sent May 1904 to Miss Kathleen Gooding of Hamilton Road, Felixstowe

50 - 677

21501, sent to Miss Rofe? of Kensington on 18th September 1935


also, A344-317


51 -

66566 Photochrom, sent September 1930 to Mr J G Hickman of Clapham Road, London

52 - 651

Postally unused but pencil note date July 1905


53 - 1130

The Grand Theatre. Postally unused. W8527

54 - 280

RA Series, posted August 1917 to Miss Mary Allen of Westcliffe on Sea by Lily

55 - 149

Valentines 57343?, postedSep 1922 to W D Lewis of Crouch End, London

56 - This is a photograph, not a postcard. It is dated from the 1939 to 45 period. We assume that it was taken by an American serviceman, as it came from the US. It is a high quality picture and shows protective barriers and screens aoutside the Town Hall, as well as a sign on the nearest lampost stating, 'Salute the Soldier - LET YOUR SAVINGS - Present Arms'. There is a tremendous amount of detail shown of the Cups Hotel (demolished in the 60's), shop signs, bus stop destinations, seamed stockings, etc.

57 - 129

Photochrom Ltd, 51690, unused

58 - 695

JWS 1262 unused card

59 - 774

This is not an actual postcard but what appears to be a master for a postcard, with the No 10114, Poulton's Series marked on it, the Sea Horse pub on the left.


An interesting view of the imposing Three Cups Hotel, before it was demolished in the 1960's.

61- kb01

S6740, unused

62 - kb03

52, M & L National Series, posted Jul 1959

63 - 225

Sent to Mrs Lynch of Balham around 1930 (stamp unclear)

64 - 484

1-40-01-01 3248c by J Salmon Ltd. Sent Jly 1967 to Mr M Frayer? of Swanley. Note the Woolworths building on the left, burned down in the 1970s.

65 - 1438

Card by Jackson and Son (Gy) Ltd of Grimsby and Bradford. Sent September 1921 to Mrs B May of Bond Street, Cromer, from JB. At that time W Hunt and Sons were having their summer clearance sale.

66 - 159

High Street looking east. Unused card by M and L National Series.

67 - 400

The War memorial. Unused card by Lilywhite Ltd. c1920.



High Street, Colchester. Aerial view from Town Hall looking south west. M and L National Series. 53. Unposted. 1950's.


Card unused. S 8050 Kingsway Real Photo Series. W H SMith and Son on right. Sands and Son further along. Tram No 13.


S8051 card by Kingsway unposted


High Street, Colchester. Aerial view from Town Hall looking south west. M and L National Series. 53. Unposted. 1950's.


Card unused. S 8050 Kingsway Real Photo Series. W H SMith and Son on right. Sands and Son further along. Tram No 13.


S8051 card by Kingsway unposted


unused card by Valentines. 22048? c1935


K 810 Card by Valentine. Posted August 1954 to Master Christopher Honer? of Wallington, Surrey by his dad.


C6614 Dennis Productions. Posted August 1988 to Readon House, Petersfield, by V A Spurdle.


Card sent 24th August 1934 to Miss Doris Lee of Melbourne, Cambs. by Jess.


CHR 5 Mason's Alpha Series. Posted August 1956? to Mrs Effie Green Nelson, Lancs by Stella.


View of Colchester and Town Hall from an aeroplane (1274). Card by Photochrom by arrangement with the Aircraft Manufacturing Co Ltd. Sent to Mrs L E Bowden of Maidstone, Kent by her son Alf on 24th August 1931.


The Albert School of Art. Posted 23rd May 1915 to Mrs E Gardiner of Tendring by her daughter Daisy whose addres was Middle Mill. Star Series card G D & D L


Unused card by S and S C. 1158. Tram 14. Hackney carriages.


The IXL Series.Posted 8th March 1904 to Miss L Frisby of Archer Street, London by Will, with mention of 20 Arlington Gardens. Shows the Lamb Inn (soon to be demolished) far left. Also the George Hotel and further along the Swan Hotel.


No 106. Posted 11 Sep 1907 to Miss Adams of Stoney Stratford


Published by the Wrench Series. No 9399. Posted October 1910 to Miss Steadman of Little Bentley by Annie R Mann of 123 High Street, Music Depot. On the right we have W Hunt and Sons, Dressmakers and Milliners. Also John Cork and Co. On the left we see Joslin's, then G Farmers, then Blaxill and Co.

A266-781 sold

Unposted but note on back says photo taken on board a tram, either Coronation 1911 or Shopping Week 2012. Shop of F H Lester on left, then a fruitere, then Croyden Bros, then the Hippodrome.


17991. Dated 29th March 1926 with a message to brother and sister from Ted. It shows the east end of the High Street with the recently erected war memorial but before the buildings were fully removed and as we see it today. Tram No 12 or 17, with soldiers on the top deck.


2100. Unused

A296-300 - This is a particularly large card that measures A4 size.

It is written on the back that it is, 'THE PANEL CARD' and has a place for a stamp and it states that a half-penny stamp may only be used

if the address only is written on that side. Produced by WHS and Son.


unused card showing the Red Lion Hotel and Kendal and Sons umbrell makers


Posted October 1927 ? (George V stamp) to Mr and Mrs Radcliffe of Crewe by their niece May? then living at 76 Canterbury Road.


G6836 by Valentine and Son, unused


Hoping for a fine night for December 18th! Sent to Miss Janie Wright of Antrim Road, Belfast. Unposted but 1881 serial number, presumed dated c 1902.


K806 Valentines unused


Skating Rink Now Open. Posted 7th October 1914 to Miss.....

(appalling handwriting)


Posted 1st May 1969 to Miss M Stevenson of Westcliffe on Sea by Dorothy. Scaffolding on front of Woolworths?


Unposted. A postcard sized photograph. Not a postcard. 579 Burney Photo. No 3 tram.


unposted, pen note that it is dated 1937


Kingsway S19366. Unposted. LNER horse and cart.


No postage stamp but addressed to Master Freddy Frost of 31 Oxford Street by A A. Valentines 50684.


136 Goodway, Croydon Bros, 133 F W Wise, F W Adams

A975/715, WHS and Son, sent 8th Apr 1916 to Miss ? of Bristol by H


Real photograph,No 9, Tram 4. Sent 29 Jul 1908 to Miss L Attwood of Woodnesboroby RDS.


8178 4 Unposted but handwritten love message on back from Fred.


Published by Charles Clark of Colchester. Unposted.




13 unused


unused card


unused card by S and S C


6216. Postage stamp removed but posted 1905 to Villa Louise au Sablons, Madame Faucillon, Seine et Marne, by her grand daughter Louise. Written in French.



117 images  

 More pictures will be added in due course, together with comments. Can any of you identify any particular vehicle, tram, individual, etc?


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