1 - 375 Posted July 1910 to Mrs Diggins of
Shotley, Valentines 2 - Posted July 1925 to Mrs Knaster of
Harrow on the Hill, published by Poyser 3 - 1676 Scheregate House, now a hotel.
Unused. A115-393 Scheregate Steps, looking south.
S.0860 Kingsway Real Photo Series. Unused. Grand Opera
Company advertised on the billboard. The bollard is embossed
with what looks like Catchpool and Co. A310-1000 Posted 20 Sep 1906 to Mr
J C Millgate of Newport, Isle of Wight, by Gracie.
Card by John Wal;ker and Co of London. On the left the shop
of G Hearsum, fishmonger. A342-169 A photograph, not a postcard, but
marked as being a proof for Judges. A Gaskin Shoe Repairs.
1950s? A394-500 1004a Pelham's Series. Sent in 1915
to Master A Platt of Blackpool by his father.
A152-693 141285? The blacksmith's shop with
farrier working on horse shoe. This is a David May card and
he has written in pencil that this on Gosbecks Road at its
junction with Shrub End Road, opposite the Leather Bottle.
The card is unused but has been hole punched. A286-1133 Unused card published by Bell's
Photo. 141277 A291-1957 Unused card published by Bell's
Photo. 141272 A294-706 The duck pond on Gosbecks Road.
Unused card published by Bell's Photo. 141293
1 - 420 A971/713 postally unused 2 - Postally unused,
R A Series. 3 - Postally unused. W and K No
9 4 - 192 Unused, Valentines Series, 220486,
c1930 5 - 174 S.8057 Kingsway Real Photo Series,
posted 13th October 1933 to Miss Ward, 26 Bond Street,
Norwich. also, A299-220 Same card but extra
detail. S 8057 Kingsway Real Photo Series.
Sent to Mr Joe Brownsord of Framlin Suffolk, 3rd Sep
1914 A227-60 21444. Posted to Miss J Bates of
Harrow in July 1942 by Brown Owl. A232-209 Unused card by Derwent
3.19374 A249-460 Sent 29th JUly 19? George V 1d
stamp to Martin Wilkinson of Wisbech by his father. Mention
of Clifford and Aunt Ann. A360-400 The Bell Series. Posted 6th January
1909 to Miss Darby of Stroud by K Davies. A392-475 unused c 28434 A492-750 K 814 by Valentines. Posted 5th
July 1956 to Mrs Elaine Roland of Maidenhead by Gladys of 20
Eastern Promenade, Point Clear Bay. 2d stamp. A546-420 63387 J Valentine Series. Note on
back has November 14th 1912, also Chritobelle Tralau, Alice
and Jassie?
A140-145 15209 unposted A353-167 Unused card by Poyser and Co. St
Botolphs Priory. Nave from archway. A390-199 2133. Sent 17th Jan 1908 to Miss
Alice Downs of Weeley by A M C A398- 145 11 36371 unused A399-328 26107 Valentine's Series.
Unposted. A415-174 A single back card posted 20th Jan
1903 to Miss Walfords of Clapton Square. A441-394 Unused card by Judges
14936 A473-370 Posted in 1904 to Miss
V Hubbard by Emily Bloomfield A475-370 Unposted. Card by Poyser but with
handwritten date of 22nd October 1912. A478-400 W8528. Unposted. The Wyndham
Series. A536-400 Valentine's Card.
1 - 250 St Giles Church at St
Johns. Postally unused, 1/111, S &
S.C. A326-385 Poyer and Co. Photo by Gill. 922.
1 - 450
East Hill and St James Church, W7153, The Wyndham Series, unused
2- 300
St James' Church on East Hill. Unused card, published by Poyser and Co, Colchester. Photo by W Gill.
3 -
St James Church interior, HCRC Photo by Gill, posted 1904 to Miss Stow or Boxford.
St Johns Abbey gateway
220466 Valentines
postmarked Oct 1949, Mrs G Barnes, Liverpool
2 - 325
Posted 30 Dec 1902 to Miss Isa Glass of Durham. Note the missing sections of the gate, later rebuilt in the Victorian period. This picture dates from around 1890 we think.
3 - 191
Unused, Valentines Series, 220466, c1930
4 - 199
Sent 24 Sep 1905 to Miss Barber of The Old House Wimbledon from 25 Wellesley Road, Colchester, sender unknown.
5 - 129
St John's Street looking west, c1950, Frith CCR7, unused card.
Another interesting view of the Abbey gate, with the 3rd pinnacle missing! Unused card by M and L National Series.
A view from inside rather than the more usual outside. 51693 Photochrom. Grano Series. Unused.
84 H G R C Photo by Gill. Unused.
2. Real photograph. Unused.
S8063, 32 card by Derwent, unposrted
also A126-199 S8063, 32 sent August 1930 to Miss J Walker of Felixstowe
Sent 27th July 1906 to Miss Jn Noble? of Waterloo House, Ipswich. Postcard 7209 by Raphael Tuck. Oilette.
1 - 290
Postally unused
1 - 660
Posted 1903 to Miss Diaper of Winchmore Hill, Middx., from Daisy
2 - 200
The porch
unused, the Cambria series, W A Call, Monmouth
1 - 249
HGRC by Gill, postally unused
This church demolished in the 1980s and the graves destroyed to enable housing!
COMMENT - email 231205
I was born in Magdalen Street Colchester in 1930 and all of the sites of the photos are familiar to me. The postcard of St Mary Magdalen Church is interesting because it shows the spire, which disappeared before I was born and was never rebuilt.
This was my parish church, and I always was given to understand that the spire was demolished in the great earthquake of 1884 referred to in the Lion Walk Church postcard on your site. Here is proof of the story! [not so as the postcard is probably of the 1920's - jj]
The church had fallen into disuse and was later vandalised long before the demolition to make way for flats.
Best Regards,
Michael Ryder.
2 - 275
card by HGRC, photo by Gill, sent to Mrs G Wicks of Hibernia Road, Hounslow, George V postmark, presumably by her son who refers to getting married here.
1 -
St Runwald Church and Middle Row. Postally unused, No 310 by HGRC
1 - 1311
West Stockwell Street looking north
S & S C
postally unused
West Stockwell Street looking north
Judges 14929
postally unused
3 - 706
Postally unused
4 - 599
The Stockwell Arms - Judges 29316
5 - kb06
Poyser's Series, posted Aug 1907. Kindly lent by local collector Kevin Bond.
West Stockwell Street. The Stockwell Arms far left. Stamp removed and postmark lost, Sent to Miss Joan Calley of Swindon by DCD .
6 - kb07
1156, unused
A259 - 1151
Sent to Mr A Needham, c/o Mr Moss of East Markham by Alice XX. Stamp and postmark removed.
7 - 425
29116 by Judges. unused
Earthquake in Essex 1884, West Stockwell Street.356 HGRC. Photos by Deaon. Unused. The photograph would be much earlier than the postcard so has been chosen as an item of historic importance and interest. We think that the picture shows, on the left, the demolished or collapsed tavern known as the Nelson's Head, with a timber framed building to the north of it. We know that the tavern was sold in 1884, suggesting that it was having some upheaval at the time. The gas lamp on the far left is affixed to the knee of the Stockwell Arms pub (as was) and this lamp can be seen on the following picture.
The map extract is of 1876 and shows the Nelson but not the Stockwell. Why? Because the Stockwell was only a beerhouse and therefore not worthy of recording on the map.
The Stockwell Arms, owned by Daniells Breweries. Poyser's Series. Posted September 1905 to Miss H Hurst of Romsey. The sign of the Nelson's Head is on the far right.
Unused card by Photo Precision Limited of St Ives and entitled the Dutch Quarters. Handwritten note giving the date of purchse as 23rd May 1985.
1 - 700
unused, H G R C by Gill
2 - 2900
Colchester Tram Terminus at New Town. Unused card by Rapid Photo Printing Co. Ref V310-7. The picture shows the Recreation Hotel, owned by Nichol and Co, landlord T Ivory. With several children and a tram approaching. Approx. date 1910.
84338 a975/715 card by WHS and Son. Pte Cross...? 66th Div E Lanc Flagstaff Road, Posted 23 Mar 1916 to parents Mr and Mrs Marsden? and sister Phillis of Burnley, by Adam
5 -
Bourne Pond, Colchester, Posted to Demark in 1907, Valentines Series no.57085
8 - 274
Bourne Pond, postally unused. 84444
15 - 525
Bourne Mill. Posted April 1905. Moore and Roberts, Colchester. To Mrs E J Parsons of Wombwell
34 - Bourne Mill 01
The Mill at Bourne Pond. H G R C Photo by Gill. Unused.
15214 unused card
Bourne Mill. Card by Jackson and Son of Grimsby. 13 42416 Unposted.
29 - kb18
The Recreation Ground, 2615, unused, by S & SC
More pictures will be added in due course, together with comments.
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